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Adaptive HR Solutions

Hr & Trade Association PRESENTATIONs



ABC’s and 123’s of Accounting for the HR Professional 

After gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of accounting and how to determine the financial health of an organization, we will look at the relationship between HR and accounting. A key component is how we make an even greater impact on the business by understanding financial trends that can be influenced by HR. 


Become the Driving Force for Performance and Productivity 

The potential of HR can be more fully realized if HR professionals earn the respect of those they serve, speak the language of business, and leadership recognizes the value HR can bring to the table.  Learn how to develop and analyze specific business metrics to measure the performance of the organization, and use that information to develop strategies to increase employee performance and achieve greater productivity.


Building Relationships and Strengthening Your Presence in the Organization 

HR Professionals must network and build relationships within the organization in order to gain the trust of management/leadership. Learn how to use a variety of tools to build relationships with key leaders in their organization and understand the importance of creating trust and credibility with those leaders.  


Conducting Bulletproof Internal Investigations 

This training will identify the steps necessary to ensure your internal investigation is conducted fairly, impartially and as professionally as possible. In addition, retaliation claims are consistently among the greatest number of EEOC charges filed each year.  We will identify the steps necessary to reduce the possibility of this type of claim. 


Cutting Edge Leadership – Discover What it Takes 

Many people in your organization may have the title of manager or director but do they truly have what it takes to lead a team. Learn the best practice strategies of leadership and how identify ways to overcome the inevitable challenges and obstacles with leaders of all types and backgrounds.


Dealing with the Hazy Issue of Marijuana in the Workplace 

As if changes in the employment laws weren’t enough, now HR professionals have to deal with differing state laws as marijuana legalization becomes widespread across the US. We will look at the impact of medical and recreational marijuana on Drug-Free Workplace policies, the Americans with Disability Act, federal contractors, workers covered under DOT regulations and more.


Driving Change in the Organization

Since change is inevitable, what can we do about it? The HR function is in a unique position to know not only what is changing but can influence how the change is made. This can be accomplished by ensuring HR professionals 1) understand how the business operates, 2) contribute to the strategic planning processes, and 3) takes the lead in tying together the technical and human elements of change management.


Engaging Your Workforce to Achieve More with Less 

Too many managers take their key employees for granted yet don’t know how they would survive if they left the organization.  Some managers may not know how to engage a top performer, and others don’t see value in training and development. Learn how to solve these issues by getting your managers to do more with less. 


Identifying and Managing Workplace Conflict 

As HR professionals, we are supposed to be focused on engaging employees while helping management get the most out of the resources available in the organization. To be truly successful, we must learn how to identify and manage conflict. This presentation will provide tools to help HR professionals of all levels not only identify and manage conflict but offer creative ways to prevent destructive conflict and encourage a healthy exchange of ideas.


Ensuring HR is Present in the Strategic Planning Process 

Each year organizations set strategic priorities, goals for the company, and targets to hit.  After the numbers are crunched and the strategic plans communicated, only then do many leaders figure out how they are going to meet these goals. Learn how to partner with business leaders in the strategic planning process and how to interpret and analyze business information and translate it into human capital needs.


Ethics in HR

Is it ok to push the envelope? HR professionals must remain above the fray, staying far from the line in sand. The Society for Human Resource Management has a Code of Ethics every member agrees to follow. Our role requires us to follow the not only the written rules, regulations, and guidelines of the law, but also the intent. We have an obligation to exemplify ethical behavior for the sake of the employees, the company and the HR profession itself.


Manager Do’s and Don’ts: Compliance, Effectiveness & Engagement 

Managing employees isn’t something to be taken lightly.  Whether you’re trying to figure out how to deal with the many employment laws that regulate your interactions with employees or dealing with an employee who isn’t performing, managing and leading employees can be hard work, time consuming and sometimes exhausting. Learn how to become effective at compliance and engagement. 


Onboarding – Getting it Right from the Beginning 

Developing and implementing effective onboarding programs is critical to the success of new employees. We will discuss the importance of communicating the goals, mission, values and vision of the company, and focus on developing metrics in the business to determine the effectiveness of onboarding program’s ability to achieve the strategic goals of the company. 


Do you want to develop business metrics that tie employee engagement and retention to business results and being able to create strategies to improve those results? In this presentation, you will. Participants will also understand the importance of establishing ongoing developmental relationships with key employees in their department to improve the retention of those employees in today’s low unemployment environment.


Transformational Discipline 

It’s time to change your thinking about discipline. Instead of using punishment, discipline should be used as a teaching tool. A disciplined workforce is an engaged workforce; and an engaged workforce can be a productive and unified team. This presentation will enable attendees to understand the different philosophies of workforce discipline, but will also teach participants how to communicate these understandings to business managers.


Preparing the Workplace for the New PC - Post Coronavirus

This session will cover the health and safety of employees, compliance challenges with workplace monitoring of temperatures and COVID-19 symptoms, and recommended training for managers on how to effectively lead a team that may still be remote and strategies to deal with a new set of employee relations concerns.


The FFCRA and Workplace Challenges in a Pandemic

New leave laws. A changing dynamic in the workplace. Shutdowns. Slowdowns. Showdowns.  These are all part of the expanded role HR and business owners need to play in today’s COVID-19 environment.

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